Using a dummy and when to get rid of it

Using a dummy and when to get rid of it

Dummies or pacifiers are great to soothe your baby or to help them to stop crying.

But, did you know that dummy use for an extended period of time can be harmful for their oral development?

Dr Joshua recommends to start breaking the habit as soon as possible, but no later than 4- 6 years old.

A good guide would be to try to stop using a dummy as soon as the baby can self-soothe.

Extended dummy use can lead speech problems too, especially when trying to say S and Z type sounds.

…. but baby teeth don’t matter

Some people believe baby teeth aren’t important because they eventually fall out.

However.. baby teeth are more important than you think.

Baby teeth help to form the shape of the jaw.

Baby teeth also hold spaces for adult teeth, which can help prevent crowded teeth.

Is your baby using a clean dummy?

Dummies can be the source of bacteria.

When using a dummy, make sure you clean them thoroughly and regularly.

If you have a steriliser at home, use this to help to clean the dummy in the areas you can’t reach.

Alternatively, you can boil the dummy for approximately 5 minutes in a pot of water.

Additionally, dummies should be replaced every 3 months.

Baby teeth matter too!

HELP! My baby is addicted to their dummy!

There are number of ways to help get rid of the dummy.

  1. Hold a “gifting” ceremony – wrap the dummy up like a present and “send” the dummy to someone else who needs it.
  2. Dummy fairy – Leave the dummy out to be collected by the “dummy fairy”
  3. Include your dentist or oral health therapist in the discussion.

Will my baby/child need braces?

Only time will tell if your baby or child will need braces.

Braces can be needed for a variety of reasons.

Prolonged dummy use may cause a need for braces or early intervention such as jaw expanders.

Early intervention can start from around 8-9 years of age.

Braces are generally placed when all baby teeth have fallen out and the adult teeth have erupted.

Occasionally braces are placed earlier for special cases.

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