Everything you need to know about dental implants

Everything you need to know about dental implants

Dental implants are screws made of medically pure titanium that are implanted into the jawbone to create an artificial tooth root. As titanium is biocompatible, bone cells are able to deposit bone around the implant to create a permanent and secure fusion, which generally takes place over the course of 3–5 months.

Once the implant is firmly secured, this foundation allows a natural functioning and looking crown made of porcelain to be fitted over the implant by a connection. The friendly staff at Dandenong Dentists ensures that the procedure is both simple and painless for you.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

  • Natural appearance and function, allowing you to regain your smile and confidence, and to enjoy the different textures of the food you love without any pain or hesitation
  • Long-lasting, predictable success
  • Minimal pain during and after procedure; you’ll be able to go about your normal routine the day after
  • Dental implants never decay
  • Reduce dental problems associated with missing teeth, such as tipping of adjacent teeth, gum recession, sensitivity and root decay, bite interference, affected speech and food traps
  • Dental implants don’t cover your taste buds with plastic or metal, so you’ll be able to fully enjoy the natural flavours and textures of food
  • Not dependant on adjacent teeth, and therefore won’t damage them
  • Help maintain bone levels as well as soft tissue support, preventing the sunken face/cheek look